‘Awful blog post’, yes you read it correctly. Such posts do exist. Some bloggers struggle in order to get views on their posts and at the same time they neglect the mistakes they make while writing a blog post.
If you don’t want to win the prize of ‘worst content writer’ then you should definitely go through this article. Many Content writers make mistakes in a blog unintentionally but those mistakes cost them too much. It affects their number of views and they even received a tag of worst blogger. Content is not something I make sure after reading this article you’ll definitely never repeat those mistakes again which results in making your blog an ‘awful one’.
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What Makes Your Article Look Bad?
What makes a bad impression on articles? Writing a blog is not a big deal. Anyone can be a blogger but the important thing which needs to be considered is whether your blog is worth reading? Is this the blog that you’ll prefer as a reader? So, let’s see what things will make your article look bad.
5 Things Which Makes Your Blog Post Look Bad
A good piece of writing is one that is easy to read, engaging, and informative. However, there are times when even the best of writers stumble and make mistakes. Unfortunately, these errors can sometimes be very visible and ruin the overall look of an article.
In this blog post, we have put together 5 things that make your article look bad. Keep these in mind if you are planning to submit your work to a publication!
1. Too Much Promotion In Your Blog Post
If you’re doing too much promotion of your product or service in your blog then it will definitely not work out. Bragging too much about your product or service will be the turn-off moment for the readers.

Keep it simple and make sure that the content which you’re providing connects with the customer or reader. After all, it’s a blog, not a promotional place.
2. Too Many Grammatical Errors And Mistakes
If you’re lazy enough to correct your mistakes then it will not help you out. Have a friend or mentor to proofread your blogs before publishing. Committing grammar errors will have a bad impression on the readers.

3. Overdone Headlines
Your headline is one of the first things that a prospective reader sees. In general, 80% of readers will read the headline copy, but only 20% of readers will read the rest of the content. It is for this reason that your title has such an enormous influence on the effectiveness of the entire piece.
Giving a heading for your blog is very important because it’s the step in grabbing the reader’s attention. But you’ve to make sure the headlines which you’re putting are not boring and at the same time not overly done.
If I’m talking about overly done headlines then you can consider the following examples-
- “Want to have some hope, Try this soap”.
- “Overweight Teens Typically Eat”.
4. Disabled Links/Sources And Comment Section
If you’re insecure about the comments which you’re going to receive under your articles then please don’t feel like this. You’ve to believe in your work and in yourself. Don’t feel afraid of the critics.

And another most important thing which you should take care of is that the links which you’re providing are working because if it’s not then again it’s a turn off moment for the readers.
5. Format It As One Big Block Of Text
If you’re putting just one single heading then stop it!! It’s very important to divide your blog into subtopics so that it will be convenient for readers. An ideal blog should have a proper structure.

For example – The heading of the blog should be in the title case. The next subheading should be in <H2> and if you want to include another sub subheading then the heading should be in <H3>. This process goes on. Other than that all the content under these headings will be in normal text size.
What Are Some Examples Of Poorly Written Articles?
Your articles should look like a fresh crisp apple and what will make it flavorless are some poorly done mistakes. In the end, it’s your article you should definitely take care of. So here we will see some examples of poorly written articles.
1. Statistics Update
You should update your data or statistics timely as it ensures a great reach in a long period of time.

For e.g.- If you wrote an article in 2012 stating that India’s population is 126.58 crores and if a reader is referring to it in 2022 then it will not be useful. Maintaining the data up to date is very important to maintain reliability and confidence among users.
2. Lack of Evidence
Yeah, you read it right!! ‘Lack of Evidence’. You can’t state anything just to draw the attention of readers.

I saw in many articles that facts and data have been provided without any source. So, just make sure that if you are providing any information there should be solid evidence behind it.
You can even analyze some articles and point out the mistakes and loopholes which will eventually help you out in learning.
Conclusion: How Can You Morph a Bad Post into a Good One – Editing
Now, a question arises how you can mould your bad post into a good one. So, first of all, as I discussed earlier you should divide your blog into various sub-topics which will make a good impression on your readers and don’t forget about ‘Formatting‘. Formatting is very important as it provides a structure to your blogs.
Take some time out to read your blogs. At least read it twice- thrice. Reading will reduce your mistakes 80-90 times and you can even share it with your close friends for their suggestions before posting it.
Another thing which you should keep in mind is that try to keep the heading of your blog easy as easy and simple things catch the attention of readers rather than a difficult ones. You can even compare your first blog with your latest blog to know the improvement which you’ve made so far. Try to provide all the relevant knowledge about the topic which you are covering in the blog and last but not least, links which you are providing should be active ones.
I hope this will help you out in improving your blog.
How to Tell if a Blog Post is Bad?
The first initial thing is ‘Formatting’. Then you can analyze the heading, subtopics, etc.
What Makes an Article Effective?
Up-to-date information is the most important tool if you want to make your article effective.
Is Article Writing Hard?
Article writing is not at all hard, it just needs your time and attention.
How to Write an Awesome Blog?
Effective research, well formatting, and a little effort will help you out in writing an awesome blog.
Why do Bloggers Fail?
Bloggers fail due to a lack of patience in them. They think that they’ll eventually get the results but it’s not possible.